Explore our research & testing facilities
Reprocessing Validation for Class 1r Medical Devices
We test your medical device reprocessing procedures, as detailed in your IFU, validating the cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation cycles.
31 related Medical device resources related to Reprocessing Validation for Class 1r Medical Devices
- 4-week typical lead time
- BS EN ISO 15883-5:2021
- BS EN ISO 15883-2:2009
- BS EN ISO 17665-1:2006
- 17025 UKAS accredited
Medical Device Bioburden Testing
Our team will determine the presence or absence of bioburden on your sterile or non- sterile medical devices.
16 related Medical device resources related to Medical Device Bioburden Testing
- 3-4 week typical lead time
- TYMC “Total yeast mould count”
- TAMC “Total aerobic count”
- Specific pathogen testing
- ISO 11737 & ISO 11137 sterilisation method validation
Medical Device Cleaning Validation
We validate your medical device cleaning instructions, as detailed in your IFU, which can be manual or automated.
37 related Medical device resources related to Medical Device Cleaning Validation
- 4-5 week typical lead time
- Simulated use/accumulation study
- AAMI ST98/ISO 15883-5
- Validated via residual analyte detection (Protein & ATP)
- High/Low level disinfection validation to AAMI TIR-12
Highly Accelerated Life Test
We use in-house methods and technologies to repeatedly operate devices and prototypes without human intervention to provide crucial data in accelerated time.
31 related Medical device resources related to Highly Accelerated Life Test
- 4-6 week typical lead time
- Medical device expected service life testing
- Material compatibility testing
- Basic electrical safety & essential performance testing
- Final product & prototype testing
UV-C Technology Efficacy Testing
We assess the efficacy of UV-C light technology units and systems against the latest industry standards.
12 related Medical device resources related to UV-C Technology Efficacy Testing
- 2-4 week typical lead time
- BS8628:2023 – UKAS accredited
- 245nm UV-C, UVC LED, Far UVC (222nm)
- Safety and Output Measurement testing
- Simulated real-world use studies/ worst case studies
Whole Room Disinfection Systems Testing
We test a wide range of technologies including disinfection robots, fogging machines, electrostatic hand sprayers.
6 related Medical device resources related to Whole Room Disinfection Systems Testing
- 4-5 week typical lead time
- EN17272:2020 – UKAS accredited
- Cycle development / range finder tests
- Distribution test
- Biocide monitoring / safety tests
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