Medical Device Biocompatibility Testing

We offer tests which evaluate cytotoxicity and biological risks within the chemical make-up of a medical device.

Medical Device Biocompatibility Testing

Our biocompatibility testing is a fundamental step in allowing a medical device to be recognised as safe for use. All medical devices which encounter human tissue should be subject to biocompatibility testing, critically cytotoxicity evaluation. We offer tests which aid in addressing the biocompatibility of medical device materials. These tests are performed to ISO 10993-5 to determine cytotoxic potential.

To determine which test are relevant to your device, we offer a biological evaluation plan (BEP) which will identify the tests needed for your medical device, as well as sourcing available information on your product. After constructing the BEP and performing the required tests and sourcing the biocompatibility information, Test labs offer a biological evaluation Report (BER) with the complete set of justifications and results on your product.

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