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Hospital Beds
Complex devices that are often outfitted with a variety of modern features for increased patient comfort, monitoring patient movement, or emergency functions for easier CPR.
34 related Medical device resources related to Hospital Beds
- 17 services available
- 4-6 week typical lead time*

Trolleys & Carts
This can include patient trolleys used for transporting patients outside of healthcare settings as well as other devices used for transporting medical items.
30 related Medical device resources related to Trolleys & Carts
- 16 services available
- 4-6 week typical lead time*
Mobility Aids
These are any devices that assist a patient’s movement, from simple walking frames and crutches to high-tech, powered standing wheelchairs.
32 related Medical device resources related to Mobility Aids
- 17 services available
- 4-6 week typical lead time*
Patient Hoists
Mechanical devices used for safely lifting and manoeuvring patients with limited mobility. Given the risk of falling, these are design and engineered to hold the weight of a person.
32 related Medical device resources related to Patient Hoists
- 17 services available
- 4-6 week typical lead time*
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