Services available for Robotic Disinfection
Medical Device Biocompatibility Testing
We offer tests which evaluate cytotoxicity and biological risks within the chemical make-up of a medical device.
27 related Medical device resources related to Medical Device Biocompatibility Testing
- 4-5 week typical lead time
- Biological Evaluation Plan & Report
- In Vitro & In Vivo methods
- Extractables & Leachables (E&L) Studies
- Also testing after cleaning, disinfection & sterilization
Medical Device Biological Evaluation Report
We produce a report which is a collective summary of all data used to assess the biocompatibility of your medical device.
9 related Medical device resources related to Medical Device Biological Evaluation Report
- 2-3 week typical lead time
- ISO 10993-1 – Biological evaluation of medical devices
- Meets the requirements of FDA / MDR
- Provides comprehensive ISO10993 report
- Completed by in-house toxicologist (competent person)
Accelerated Aging Testing
We perform accelerated aging testing and real time
ageing studies to determine how a products behave
under normal storage/use conditions over long periods
of time.
31 related Medical device resources related to Accelerated Aging Testing
- 3-4 week typical lead time
- ASTM F1980 Sterile Barrier Systems & Medical Devices
- ISO 11607 Packaging for terminally sterilized medical