A Journey of Discovery: Charlotte’s Work Placement at Our Laboratory

Work Experience at Test Labs

Over the last couple weeks, we had the pleasure of hosting Charlotte as part of our work placement program. It was an enriching experience for both Charlotte and our team, as she brought a breath of fresh air into the laboratory. Throughout the program, she delved into various analytical techniques and even had the chance to explore some basic software coding!

What Did Charlotte Enjoy the Most During Her Work Placement Program?

When we asked Charlotte about her favourite aspect of the program, she found it hard to pinpoint just one thing. However, she shared her excitement in being able to apply her theoretical knowledge from school into practical tests. Witnessing the practical application of her knowledge in making Medical Devices market-ready was an eye-opening experience for her. Charlotte also expressed her fascination with the lesser-known world of Medical Device testing and the extensive measures taken to ensure product safety.

How Did Charlotte Apply Her Theoretical Knowledge in Practical Tests?

Charlotte had the opportunity to engage in a wide range of tests during her placement. From routine equipment calibration to more thrilling tasks like creating bacterial suspensions using a spectrophotometer, conducting ATP residual tests, titration, and pH measurement of disinfectant solutions, she gained hands-on experience in various fields. She was also able to witness the testing of whole room disinfectant robots, understanding the critical role these tests play in ensuring the efficacy of such devices.

What Types of Medical Device Testing Did Charlotte Participate In?

Charlotte actively participated in an array of Medical Device testing procedures. These tests included calibration, bacterial suspension creation, ATP residual testing, titration, pH measurement, and more. This comprehensive exposure gave her valuable insights into the diverse world of Medical Device testing.

What Were Charlotte’s Expectations Before Starting the Work Placement Program?

Prior to the program, Charlotte had limited expectations about how the two weeks would unfold. However, she was pleasantly surprised by the level of hands-on involvement in numerous techniques and tests. An unexpected bonus was her introduction to software coding, which became an exciting part of her experience.

What Coding Experience Did Charlotte Gain During Her Time at the Laboratory?

During her work placement, Charlotte had the opportunity to witness first-hand how ad-hoc software is developed to support testing. She received basic training in coding, which was an unexpected yet valuable addition to her skillset.

Did Charlotte Have a Preference for Microbiology or Chemistry After the Work Placement?

Charlotte wanted to use this experience to understand her preference between microbiology and chemistry before university. However, she found herself drawn to the fascinating world of biochemistry, showcasing a blend of both disciplines.

How Did the Work Placement Program Help Charlotte Make a Decision About Her Future Studies?

Charlotte’s work placement proved to be a valuable stepping stone in her educational journey. It helped her gain clarity on her interest in biochemistry, allowing her to make a well-informed decision about her future studies.

We are delighted to have had Charlotte as part of our work placement program. Her enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge were inspiring, and we wish her all the best for her future endeavors. If you are interested in taking part in our work placement program, feel free to get in touch with us!

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